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Discover our online German courses

Still unsure which course is best for you? No problem! Sign up now for a non-binding free consultation, and together we will find the best option for you.


Result-oriented program


Convenient online platform


Professional teachers

Sign up for a free consultation

Our courses

One-to-One lesson

  • Personalized support and adaptation to your specific situation.

  • Maximum attention and support for your learning success.

  • Learn at your own pace and adjust the intensity as needed.

  • Ample opportunities for speaking practice and questions.

  • One-to-One lesson

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  • chart



  • hourglass



  • money


    60 Euro / hour

  • German course in a group

    • Interactive exchange and communication practice in authentic situations;

    • Motivating and supportive learning atmosphere through group dynamics;

    • Regular personal feedback and homework review;

    • Two-hour lessons twice a week at various times of the day for 5 to 8 participants.

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  • hourglass


    5 months

  • wings


    80 hours

  • money


    1100 Eur / course (incl. learning materials)

  • hourglass


    5 months

  • wings


    80 hours

  • money


    1100 Euro / course (incl. learning materials)

  • Intensive German course in a group

    • Fast progress through intensive language training and specialized instruction;

    • Motivating and supportive environment that emphasizes extensive communication practice;

    • Regular personal feedback and homework review;

    • Two-hour lessons at various times of the day for up to 6 participants.

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  • hourglass


    2 months

  • wings


    80 hours

  • money


    1100 Eur / course (incl. learning materials)

  • hourglass


    3 months

  • wings


    120 hours

  • money


    1650 Eur / course (incl. learning materials)

  • Level program

    • Click on the language level of your choice for more information


    Upon completing our A1 course, you will be able to tell basic information about yourself and the world surrounding you. You will be able to place orders in restaurants, ask for information, describe how you spend your holidays.

    Furthermore, you will understand basic sentences spoken by native speakers, particularly if they speak slowly and clearly. With A1 level you will have the chance to find a job in the industrial production, hospitality and agricultural industry.

    Grammatical topics:

    • All tenses: present past and future
    • Statements and questions
    • Nouns and different articles
    • Nominative, accusative and dativ cases
    • (Ir)regular, (in)separatable and modal verbs
    • Negation in sentences
    • Prepositions of place and time
    • Imperative
    • Adjectives
    • Comparison: Comparative
    • Personal pronouns

    Job you can get with A1-level:




    Industrial worker


    Agricultural worker


    Construction assistant


    Truck driver


    Factory worker

    Lexical topics:

    • Countries and languages
    • Numbers and Addresses
    • Profession and occupation
    • Food and Food Blogging
    • Time and appointments
    • City life and directions
    • Free time and hobbys
    • Houses and appartaments
    • Family
    • Sport and health
    • Fashion trends
    • Seasons and Weather
    • Vacation


    Upon successfully finishing our A2 course, you will be able to express yourself with confidence on various subjects, including nature, emotions, everyday duties and social media. Additionally, you will be capable of seeking and securing an apartment, as well as writing basic formal and informal letters.

    Your listening skills will improve: you will grasp the main points in fast-paced speech. With an A2 level, you will have the potential to get job opportunities in industrial production, construction, and hospitality.

    Grammatical topics:

    • Reflexive pronouns
    • Pronouns in dative and accusative
    • Cases: genetive, dative, accusative
    • Declination of adjectives
    • Comparative and superlative of adjectives
    • Prepositions in dative
    • Reflexive verbs with prepositions
    • Prepositional verbs with accusative and dative
    • Word formation
    • Sub-clauses with dass, weil, als, wenn, damit, um … zu
    • Relative clauses
    • Indirect questions
    • Präteritum
    • Passive tences.

    Job you can get with A2-level:




    Cook helper


    Waiter helper







    Lexical topics:

    • School, class reunion and invitations
    • Mobility, transport and travel planning
    • Living together: house rules and flat hunting
    • Smartphones and other media
    • Changes in a job market
    • Reading and literature
    • Living with animals
    • Global and regional
    • Everyday life
    • Summer festival and prices
    • Nature and environment
    • Fixing and DIY
    • Tourism
    • Friends for life
    • Life in the countryside
    • Happiness and joy of life


    Upon successful completion of our B1 course, you will be able to express yourself confidently on various topics such as volunteering, emigration, and career. Additionally, you will be able to understand important information from TV programs and write formal as well as informal letters.

    Your comprehension skills will improve, and you will be able to understand fast-paced speech better. With a B1 level, you have the potential to explore job opportunities in various industries and pursue training that prepares you for a specific profession.

    Grammatical topics:

    • Time indications in sentences: als, während, nach, nachdem
    • Reasons, consequences, contradictions and opposites: deshalb, darum, deswegen, weil, da, trotz, trotzdem, obwohl
    • Conditions and wishes: wenn + Konjunktiv II
    • Goals or consequences: damit, sodass, je … desto
    • Connecting information: nicht nur..., sondern auch / sowohl ... als auch / weder ... noch / entweder ….. oder / zwar ..., aber
    • Relative clauses with prepositions and relative pronouns
    • Questions with prepositions
    • Infinitive with zu in a sentence
    • Dative and accusative complements
    • Pronouns: man, irgend-
    • Word formation
    • Participle I and II
    • Plusquamperfekt
    • Futur I

    Job you can get with B1-level:




    Apprentice- ship






    Nursing professional


    Mechatronics engineer

    Lexical topics:

    • Education
    • Modern theater
    • Volunteering
    • Nature and environment
    • Emigration and living abroad
    • Christmas
    • Job expectations and interviews
    • Inklusion
    • Sustainability
    • (Random) Inventions and lifehacks
    • Visions for future and time travel


    Upon successful completion of our B2 course, you will be able to discuss almost any topic with native speakers and understand them without significant effort. Furthermore, you will be able to confidently write reports, exchange arguments, and comprehend a large portion of language used in news, radio, films, and series.

    With a B2 level, you have the potential to get enrolled to a university and receive job offers in almost any industry.

    Grammatical topics:

    • Word order: supplements in the middle field
    • Modal words in Perfekt
    • Conditional, final, adversative, temporal, modal, concessive and causal relationships
    • Two-part connectors
    • Passiv and stative passive
    • Alternatives to passive
    • Relative clauses
    • Subjective meaning of modal verbs
    • Konjunktiv II without würde
    • Pronoun es
    • Perfect tense with double infinitiv
    • Extended participles
    • Indirect speech with Konjunktiv I and II
    • Passive sentences without subjects

    Job you can get with B2-level:




    Medical assistance


    Branch manager







    Lexical topics:

    • Career orientation
    • Workplaces
    • Professional biographies
    • Family and generation gap
    • Social media: self-presentation on the internet
    • Teamwork: discussions about agile management
    • Life in movement
    • Nutrition and consumption
    • Daily rythm
    • Career: strenths and weaknesses in job
    • Mobility
    • Diversity
    • Professional Decisions


    Upon successfully finishing our C1 course, you will be able to communicate with native speakers and understand them without any or little effort. Additionally, you will be capable of writing any kind of texts and comprehend even fast-paced speech. You will need little time to get used to accents and dialects.

    With a C1 level, you have the potential to obtain a bachelor's or master's degree in Germany in any field of study. You have every opportunity to be employed in various positions.

    Grammatical topics:

    • Conditionals, causal, concessive, adversative, modal, consecutive relationships
    • Definite and indefinite articles and adjective declension
    • Prepositions of reported speech
    • Indirect speech with Konjunktiv I or II
    • Passive voice
    • Nominal styles
    • Konjunktiv II in the past with modal verbs
    • Word formation

    Job you can get with C1-level:




    BA/MA student




    IT expert




    Customer advisor

    Lexical topics:

    • Friendship
    • Self-perception: being immodest or overmodest
    • Multilingualism
    • Mobility
    • Body and spirit
    • Educational paths
    • Sustainability
    • Aging
    • Culture of failure
    • Advancement and inventions
    • Turning points: history
    • Technology

    How to start?


    Sign up for a free consultation


    We will contact you shortly and set time


    We will identify your needs together


    Convinced? Then start with us now

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    Feel free to reach out to us

    and explore the possibilities!

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    Our free consultation provides you with the opportunity to get to know our experts without any obligation to enroll.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    At Effiside, we understand the importance of choosing the right course to achieve your learning goals. Therefore, we offer free consultation and a 30-minute trial lesson to assist you in selecting the most suitable course for you. During the consultation, we will discuss your individual needs, language proficiency level, and learning objectives. We will also provide information about the course content, learning methods, and expected progress. Of course, we will be available to address any questions or concerns you may have during the consultation.

    Contact us via email or phone to schedule a consultation appointment. We look forward to helping you choose the right course.

    For our online courses, there are live instructional sessions. These interactive classes with our experienced teachers take place at designated times. During these live sessions, you can interact with the teacher and other course participants in real-time and actively participate in the lessons.

    The exact course times vary depending on the course and will be communicated to you in advance. We strive to offer course times that accommodate as many participants as possible. If you have specific time constraints, you can inform us during the registration process, and we will consider your preference when planning.

    In addition to live sessions, you will also have access to recorded lessons, learning materials, and exercises that you can work on at your own pace. This allows for some flexibility in self-directed learning and reinforcement of the material.

    The learning materials we use are based on online textbooks from reputable publishers. There is a cost of approximately 35 euros per textbook. Depending on the course, one or two online textbooks may be required. In addition to the paid textbooks, we also provide additional materials created by our team. These supplementary materials are shared with all course participants for free to support and enrich the learning process.

    Our goal is to provide you with high-quality and diverse learning materials to enhance your learning success. Upon registration for our courses, we will inform you in advance about the required textbooks and their costs. Our team is also available to assist you with any questions about the learning materials.

    Yes, we offer the option to pay the course fees on a monthly basis. We want to ensure that our courses are accessible to all and provide financial flexibility. Please contact us for more information about the specific installment plans and payment options we offer.

    Yes, we offer the option to pay the course fees on a monthly basis. We want to ensure that our courses are accessible to all and provide financial flexibility. Please contact us for more information about the specific installment plans and payment options we offer.

    Yes, after completing the German course, participants can receive a participation certificate upon request. Active participation in the classes and a high level of attendance during the course are required for obtaining the participation certificate. For those who successfully pass the examination, a high-quality certificate will be awarded. This certificate confirms the successful completion of the German course and can serve as proof of the acquired language skills.